Nourished for Life
Kristen Jensen, RD, LMNT

Hello there!
I'm Kristen, the dietitian behind "Nourished for Life" - a private practice nutrition counseling service focused on the female. I'm so happy you're here!
Chances are, if you're on my site, you're seeking help and answers to how nutrition plays into your health - and it would be my honor to be that for you!
I believe in the gift that life is and am dedicating my life to helping others receive and care for that gift!
My passion is in hormonal and fertility health - embracing the feminine body for all it is and all it is capable of!
(but don't hesitate to reach out if you have other health issues, I'd love to work with you!)
I believe that medicine and procedures have their place, but also know lifestyle is a highly underrated tool for success. I look at the person's health as a WHOLE!
My practice focuses on the 5 S's
- Sustenance (think what you're putting in your mouth)
- Sweat (activity... movin' and groovin')
- Supplements (when appropriate and needed)
- Stress (the less, the better!)
- Spiritual (my Catholic faith plays a huge role in my mission and Christian principles can, if desired, be brought into our sessions)
The tools you need to be the woman God created you to be
Available Services
"Kristen has been amazing to work with! She is so encouraging in our consultations and check-ins. Together we make goals that work for me, and she gives great practical advice that makes it easier to reach them. I've also been thrilled with the results I've experienced from the diet and lifestyle modifications Kristen has coached me on. Originally I was hoping for improved mental/emotional health from more balanced hormones, but the physical improvements have been quite significant too. Overall I am very impressed and the investment was totally worth it."
- Katherine G

"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid."